Saturday, June 5, 2010

You're thinking that some relationships can't be saved right?

You're thinking that for some people, things are just too far gone.

Well, here's a little secret that most people have no idea about - the truth is...
... almost every relationship can be saved... 

... but only if you know exactly what to do, what to say, and how to say it.

Seriously, think about the worst breakup you ever had - now imagine being able to turn the clock back and say the exact thing that will make the other person change their mind.
Save your relationship - Check this out - it can only but help

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Your new Dating Site - World wide

This New Dating site Started this week ... As it is associated with some other dating sites it already has many people registered and also many online at all times.

This Dating website offers you all these features....
Click on them they do work

MM Counselor (live)
Millionaire greeting cards
Millionaire forums
Largest millionaire blogs
Online chat
Dating advice & safety tips
Success stories 

It's up to you, if you're single and looking, you really do need to check this site out - whether you are in London, New York, Sydney or Auckland.

They may have a match online to suit you right NOW  here's the link, use it....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Blog - Find a Lover

Here's some good fun and some great info for lovers - a new Blog This blog will cover aspects of finding a new partner both male and female.
As I track down good sites and info I will add them to Find a Lover to date I have 3 DVD's for lovers a good looking teddy and a website on what men can do better. so have a look and tell me what you think.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Books for Lovers

As lovers we are in a relationship, those relationships are named in various ways, it maybe a friendship where you are lovers of convenience, you maybe living together, you maybe engaged to be married or you may already be married and have been for many years.

Each one of these are different stages within each of our lives and relationship, our aim, I believe is to find our partner and decide to have such a relationship that enables love 'to grow'. Yes sometimes we fall 'in Love' when we first meet, then we've all seen or heard of relationships where the initial meeting between a couple was full of tension and friction in many ways, yet a long term marriage has resulted, and is strong.

Between these two examples sit the relationships of most of the population of this world, it does not matter if we are in New Zealand, South Africa or Norway or any other country in this world, or no matter what nationally we are, the fact is that we need to ‘work on our relationship’ no matter where we live. For one reason or another we chose whom we are living with or married to, they were good reasons, they were valid, they were what made us feel happy, safe, comforted and yes ‘part of a relationship’.

During the many stages of relationships there are expectations and exterior pressures from family, friends, work, advertising (yes advertising), magazines, TV and the internet. Even this article could have a lasting effect and influence on ourselves and our partner, therefore effecting our relationship, causing it to be pushed and pulled in many ways.

It has been said that ‘The grass is greener on the other side of the fence’ we see this in advertising – the holidays that we could have – the next new toy we crave - we know that to get these items we have to ‘work’ to find the money to pay for them.

Where as, in a relationship that may not be going as we expect, we see all the faults of our partner, not realizing - completely - what is actually having an effect on him or her, we may know some of the causes (we think), but not even our partner may entirely know what is creating the reactions that we see.

I like a slight variation on the above saying.
‘The Grass maybe greener on the other side of the fence – but it also needs mowing’
Your relationship needs to be looked after, it needs to be nurtured even massaged every now and again.

I’ve found some books for lovers that are designed to help couples through a relationship breakdown. My suggestion is to read them before you need them.
Some of the titles are:

“Saving your Marriage”
How to keep your loving relationship growing day after day, year after year.
This is the glue that cements it all. This is the endpoint (or beginning) you'll finally realize and live a happy life with your spouse. If you apply all the techniques in this book, not only should you count on getting your loved one back but you can also rest assured that your relationship will actually become deeper and more satisfying than you ever thought possible!

“Keep your Marriage”
Of course you want a happy marriage. Everyone does, and we deserve it.
But does it seem like your marriage is falling apart in front of your eyes? And you don't know what to do?
Don't give up. There's still hope for you Both.

“Save my Marriage Today”
"Have You Ever Stayed Awake at Night Stressing About Whether or Not Your Marriage Will Last - And What You Can Possibly Do to Save It?"
"Put an End to the Stress and Anxiety of Not Knowing What to Do to Save Your Troubled Marriage!"

“Fix Your Sexless Marriage”
A sexless marriage isn't a problem in itself. It's a symptom of something much deeper. Trying to solve the symptom instead of the problem can actually make things worse between you. If you really want to get the sex back into your marriage you must look deeper to find the real cause.

You can learn more about these books on the Squidoo Lens
to-save-a-marriage as I said, get them and read them before you need them.

Monday, August 11, 2008

John Gottman and his work on couples relationships

John Gottman has been studying the relationship of relationships on married couples for many years. Many Relationship councilors use his methods to help couples through their conflict and assist the couples to learn how to improve the relationship.

He has written many books on his methods and discoveries, each method has been proven to be very accurate in forecasting the longevity of a marriage, his method has proven to be more than 90% accurate in predicting which couples will last longer than 6 years.
Find out the method and which book explains it all at

While your there check out the videos that covers some of his ideas and methods.
Check out the lens I found it really interesting.
John Gottman

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Can you tell me What Causes Conflict in Couples?

Well at least give your point of view anyway....and also see what others think.
At there are two new polls that ask "What are the Causes of Conflict in Couples". One is for the Guy's and the other is for the Gal's, it would be great if you would complete the appropriate poll as this will be interesting reading once we have a few hundred people filling this in.
Tell or your mates about this web lens and we'll see what the out come is.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I've found a new Website for Couples

This new website has books that covers many aspects of relationships for couples and lovers, it supplies books for lovers and books for couples, one of the sections cover Couples in Love another covers Couples in Conflict.

These areas are of concern for many couples in todays society, there is also a section for Lesbian and Gay couples with books covering the legal aspects of Gay and Lesbian relationships and even Estate Planning for same sex couples.

So no mater what your relationship is or what state it is in, there is a book to enhance your relationship at Books - for couples

Happy reading

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Powerful Strategies to Make Your Marriage Sizzle

Transform yourself into the Woman that your
Husband Will Want to Marry All Over Again

The Book Your Husband Wants You to Read!

I've said it before, whether your husband admits to it or not, he WANTS you to gain access to his heart, discover his desires, needs and secrets but he doesn't want to have to tell you to do so. That's because your husband is ill-equipped to tell you what he wants without appearing like an insensitive, selfish, uncaring bastard to you. Neither does he know the psychological reasons why he thinks, speaks or behaves the way he does -- let alone teach you how to behave towards him!

This is a very good Book for Lovers to read either separately or together

Therefore, I've taken it upon myself to speak on behalf of all husbands everywhere. I've written the e-book that your husband would write just for you, if he knew how. This e-book is guaranteed to make your marriage more blissful -- and dramatically improve the relationship between your husband and you. The title of this e-book is What Husbands Can't Resist -- Powerful Insights That Will Make Him Want to Marry You All Over Again

Deep in your heart, isn't this what you (and every wife) wishes -- to be the center of your husband's attention, to always be captivating to him, and to have him constantly validate your desirability and beauty? And the other wish I know you and every wife has is to see your husband reach his full potential.

That's because more often than not, wives see in their husbands more potential for greatness than the husbands see in themselves. I'm sure you've heard the saying,

"A man marries a woman, hoping she will never change -- and a woman marries a man, hoping he will change ... for the better."

Get your copy of 'What Husbands Can't Resist' Here
Strongly recommended by

Monday, July 14, 2008

Why Making "No Decision" About Your Relationship is Almost Always The Wrong Decision...

A lot of people ( and couples) think that if they put off the decision of whether they want to stay in or leave their relationships, the problems they are having will magically somehow heal themselves or disappear.

They won't.

If you don't invest some quality time now in taking a true, honest and truthful look at the state of your relationship, you could stay stuck in this place of indecision for a very long time.

It's amazing to us how many people are content to stay stuck in this place of indecision about their relationship.

So many people waste so much precious time when they could be experiencing an incredible relationship filled with love, passion and joy, either in their current relationship or one that is more of what they want.

We encourage you to take an honest look at your situation and feel how much pain you've been feeling about this relationship.

If having a great relationship is important to you, you need to decide that you're not willing to live without the love, passion, intimacy, tenderness, connection and yes, even sex any longer.

You have to take the first step to create the kind of relationship and love you want in your life.

We're not suggesting that you should leave your current relationship or marriage and head out looking for the new love of your life. That's your decision and one that should only be made after some careful insight and thinking.

What we are telling you is that life is too short to go through it without having the love you want and the love that's possible for all of us.

Get Your copy of 'Should I Stay or Should I go'